Friday, June 5, 2015

Alamo Area MPO Announces 2015 STP-MM Call for Projects

The Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has issued an agency call for Surface Transportation Program – Metropolitan Mobility (STP-MM) funded projects for the development of the FY 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). It is anticipated the Call for Projects will have approximately $100 Million in available funding to program.

The funding used for this call for projects is a reimbursable federal funding program and all applicable federal rules apply to the use of these funds, which includes a minimum of a 20% match from local funds.

Local governmental agencies are able to submit projects for consideration and evaluation as part of this call.

The TIP covers a four-year window of time, and lists all federally funded transportation projects within the area. Projects included in the TIP are scheduled to be let to construction in the fiscal year they are shown. To be included in the TIP, the Transportation Policy Board of the MPO must approve the projects.

Please save the date! As part of the Call for Project process, the MPO will be hosting two workshops on July 29, 2015 for agency staff interested in learning more about the submission process, forms, and requirements associated with the use of federal funds for transportation projects. The workshops will be identical in information presented. The first workshop will start at 9:30 AM. The second workshop will start at 1:30 PM. Both workshops will be held at the MPO Offices at 825 S. St. Mary's Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205. 

More information regarding this Call for Projects, including the announcement and process memos, can be viewed on the 2015 STP-MM Call for Projects website located at

For additional information or questions regarding the 2015 STP-MM Call for Projects, please contact Jeanne Geiger, Deputy Director of the MPO at or by phone at 210-227-8651.