Friday, May 22, 2015

US 281 Final Environmental Impact Statement Available for Review

The US 281 Final Environmental Impact Statement is available for public review. Below is the notice of availability that was published in the Federal Register, Texas Register and San Antonio-Express News on May 22, 2015.
Comments regarding the FEIS may be submitted to Jacobs Engineering Group, Attention Andrew Cooper, 2705 Bee Cave Road, Suite 300, Austin, Texas 78746.  

Comments will also be accepted at under Submit Comments.  

The comment period closes on June 22, 2015.

Notice of Availability - Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) US 281, Bexar County, Texas

Pursuant to Texas Administrative Code, Title 43, §2.108, and Code of Federal Regulations, Section 771.125, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is advising the public of the availability of the approved FEIS for the proposed construction on US 281, from Loop 1604 to Borgfeld Drive in Bexar County, Texas.  The proposed project is being developed with the Alamo Regional Mobility Authority (Alamo RMA) in cooperation with TxDOT.  The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and TxDOT.

The US 281 Corridor Project would extend approximately 8 miles, add additional travel lanes, and would include four direct connector ramps that comprise the northern half of the US 281 interchange with Loop 1604.  A total of two build alternatives, in addition to the No-Build Alternative, are presented in the FEIS.  The Preferred Alternative would expand the US 281 to a six-lane expressway with partial access-controlled outer lanes.  From Loop 1604 to Stone Oak Parkway, the expressway lanes would include two non-toll general purpose lanes with an auxiliary lane plus one managed lane in each direction.  The expressway lanes would be situated between three partial access-controlled outer lanes in each direction, also known as frontage roads.  From Stone Oak Parkway to Borgfeld Drive, US 281 would ultimately be expanded to a six-lane expressway (three managed lanes in each direction) with two non-toll outer lanes in each direction.  The social, economic, and environmental impacts of the proposed project have been analyzed in the FEIS.

The need for improvements to US 281 arises from historic and continuing trends in population and employment growth along the US 281 project corridor and within the surrounding areas.  This growth generates increasing amounts of vehicle travel, which in turn impedes the function of US 281 to provide regional mobility and local access, leading to lengthy travel delays and a high rate of vehicle crashes.  The purpose of the US 281 Corridor Project is to improve mobility and accessibility, enhance safety, and improve community quality of life.

A digital version of the FEIS may be downloaded from the project website at  In addition, the document is on file and available for review at the following locations: (1) Alamo Regional Mobility Authority (c/o Bexar County Public Works), 233 North Pecos La Trinidad, Suite 420, San Antonio, TX 78207; (2) Texas Department of Transportation, 4615 N.W. Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78229; (3) Parman Branch Library at Stone Oak, 20735 Wilderness Oak, San Antonio, TX 78258; (4) Brook Hollow Branch Library, 530 Heimer Road, San Antonio, TX 78232; and (5) San Antonio Central Library, 600 Soledad Street, San Antonio, TX  78205.

Copies of the Final EIS and other information about the project may also be requested in writing from Jacobs Engineering Group, Attention Andrew Cooper, 2705 Bee Cave Road, Suite 300, Austin, Texas 78746 or by email at  DVD copies may be obtained free of charge, and paper copies for a fee of approximately $1,000.00.

Comments regarding the FEIS may be submitted to Jacobs Engineering Group, Attention Andrew Cooper, 2705 Bee Cave Road, Suite 300, Austin, Texas 78746.  Comments will also be accepted at under Submit Comments.  

The comment period closes on June 22, 2015.