Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Transportation Policy Board passes resolution in support of non-toll US 281

On Monday, the Transportation Policy Board, approved unanimously a resolution in support of a non-toll US 281 from 1604 to Borgfeld should Proposition 7 funding be authorized by voters.

The discussion on the resolution can be viewed online here.

Assuming Proposition 7 is approved by voters in November 2015, the Transportation Policy Board has committed to using those funds to ensure US 281 will be a non-toll project. The Transportation Policy Board also supported the continued inclusion of a High Occupancy Vehicle / Transit Priority lane within the corridor to manage traffic congestion in the future.

Finally, the resolution requests the Texas Transportation Commission to take the necessary steps to allow US 281 to move forward as a non-toll project, and to continue advancing the final design of US 281 to have construction start as soon as practical on this much needed and long awaited project. 

A copy of the approved resolution is below. 
Resolution of Support for Funding and Implementation of the US 281 North Project